Wednesday 5 October 2016

Yes you can, but....why???

A short one today - extra fitting has been required for the latest commission, but that post should be up soon.

And so a rant!

I am completely confused by this article:

For those not interested in visiting the link it's about how to make your own pashmina.  The steps are basically: buy pashmina wool, cut to desired width, finish edges with a single row of stitching and a bit of fray.

Simple, straightforward and, to my mind, utterly pointless.  You're not getting anything new or different from this kind of pashmina, you're not using up material from other makes (though I guess you could if you had a very large scrap of something suitable), and you're not really saving any money.  The poster is apparently close enough to Goldhawk Road in London to pop in to grab some pashmina wool, but I haven't managed to get there yet and I've been trying for years (juggling life with trip to obscure London location is surprisingly difficult).  And if I did it would cost me way more just to get there than to just buy a ready-made pashmina.  I've never seen pashmina wool in any local shop and decent wool is generally not cheap so buying online (where you can rarely buy less than a metre in anything other than quilting fabric and there are postage costs) wouldn't be a saving either.

This is definitely one for my exceptions list - though if there was anything different or interesting you were getting out of this make rather than a plain pashmina I might be less scathing.  Maybe I'm too practical, but for me making something has to have some point to it....

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